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California group health insurance - General Group Guides - Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drugs: Understanding Your California Group Insurance Prescription Benefits

A main category to consider while choosing your employee group insurance benefits is prescription drugs.  You should be concerned with this issue: it is not a minor thing.  Prescription drug treatment and costs have escalated dramatically over the last decade as medical technology leaps forward resulting in many of the most modern treatments for the most severe conditions require medications of specialty classification and hugely increased cost to research, manufacture and distribute.  Often times once your employee who has a surgery or hospitalization incident will result in a long term treatment or preventative measure utilizing prescription drugs.  Prescriptions are letting us live longer lives fighting off cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart disease.  Prescriptions have become so crucial to treatment and so expensive some employees and members are willing to obtain them from out of the country through unlicensed and unauthorized sources.  Run a quick web search and you’ll find online pharmacies in Canada and Mexico selling across the border.  It is a risky and illegal proposition.  Most importantly you need to know what you are purchasing in your health plan and what it will cover when you get a prescription from your doctor. 

Example  Here’s what a typical prescription drug benefit looks like:  “$10G  $25B $250 Brand Deductible 50% Brand Non Formulary ”

$10G      $10G stands for ‘Ten Dollar Co-Pay Generic Drug Prescription’  This means if your doctor prescribes a medication filled through a pharmacy your employees will pay $10 and nothing further.

$25B      $25B stands for ‘Twenty Five Dollar Co-Pay Brand Drug Prescription’  This means your employees will pay $25 for a Brand Drug prescribed which is listed on the health carrier’s formulary drug list.  The formulary drug list is the list of acceptable or preferred medications which are established as the medication of choice for certain conditions.  Note: if your doctor prescribes a brand medication, and a generic version is available the California group health insurance carrier will force the employee to pay the difference in the cost between the brand and generic drug.  This will happen even if your doctor writes you a special note or ‘dispense as written.’

$250 Brand Drug Deductible       When facing a brand drug deductible the best way to understand how it will function out of your employee’s pocket is to view a sample claim example.  If the medication taken costs $400 for a 30 day order, you would pay the first $250 out of pocket (each year) and then the Brand Drug Co-pay of $25 in our sample.  Then in subsequent months you would just have to pay the $25 co-pay.

50% Brand Non-Formulary          50% Brand Non-Formulary would mean a prescription written which is a brand drug but not listed on the health carrier’s Brand Formulary list.  In this case our example you’d pay the Brand drug deductible because the benefit is a percentage, and the 50% of the cost of the prescription.

If you have questions about finding the best plan for your employee’s prescription needs contact us regarding your Group health questions so we can run a plan analysis for you to determine which plan and California group health insurance carrier will be most suitable.  You can also view our section on other services our health insurance agency provides.

 Other important resources:
California Small Group health quote
California Small Group online doctor listing
California Group Enrollment and Eligibility Center

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